Music A Good Way: Good Habits from Music
Barring rare instances of musicogenic epilepsy leading to seizures, listening to music a lot is generally a good thing. Health benefits of a good music listening habit are the basis of music therapy and the psychiatry variant, musicotherapy.
In pain management therapy, music can be used to regulate blood pressure, heart rate, and breathing. This relieves any physical discomfort in the same way that music-aided meditation relieves stress and helps to maintain focus. Music alters mood, improves heart condition, and improves happiness.
Habits you form from listening to the right music in the right way can improve your general health. For instance, people who regularly listen to more lyrical music like rap have improved hearing and can focus more. This is because rap requires attention and focus on hearing and understanding the lyrics. Therefore, these music styles improve your listening power, attention, and memory.
Besides listening to music, playing a piece of music on an instrument can help form healthy habits as well. Studies show that children with ADD who were exposed to a playing instrument recorded improved attention and stillness over time. Musical instruments are used to control eccentric and obsessive behaviors in addicts and OCD patients.
Good habits can only form from listening to music in the right way. This means place, time, volume, and the type of music need to be appropriate to the situation. Also, the media through which the music is expressed is critical. People who have been to opera performances confess to not getting quite the same feeling when they listen to the same rendition on radio, television, and any other sound systems.
Finally, some music types, genres, artists, and songs help to improve your social awareness and consciousness to global conditions. These types of music are used to expose social injustice and to give voice to the otherwise unheard subgroups of society. You can develop your understanding of topics such as racial acceptance, consciousness, and tolerance through this sort of music.
That covered, you will notice an improvement in the following habits by listening to or playing music:
● Focusing on happy thoughts
● Maintaining a cheerful mood
● Avoiding negative strain of thoughts
● Maintaining a healthy diet
● Getting a good amount of exercise
● Getting work done faster.
● Inspiration to work
● Improved focus and assimilation while studying
● Avoiding obsessive behaviors
● Improved imagination
● Avoiding depressive thoughts and suicidal tendencies
● Improving self-esteem and self-confidence
● A calmer and stiller demeanor
● Consciousness to social issues of interest
● Better sleeping habits
● A calm response to stressful situations
In general, a healthy music listening habit builds up your defenses against emotional and psychological challenges.
Photocredit: inc.magazine